'R' for Rugs Dining Room

The Striped Rug

What do you think?

Striped Rug in the Dining Room

The dining room is so jumbled right now. The fabric in the hutch, the different colored walls, one zigzag chair, roman shades that don’t match anything else, PLUS the new black and white rug. All false starts with no follow through.

I like the way the rug adds pattern, and it brings in a dark color without making the whole room dark. It is the only room in the house that has black though, which is a little strange to me. I don’t know if it’s out of place or if I just need to get used to it.

Striped Rug in the Dining Room

Striped Rug in the Dining Room
with the table and chairs

If I keep the rug, here’s what I’m thinking… I’d switch out the chair fabric for a different solid (pink? orange? lilac?), and paint the ceiling and walls above the picture rail the same color. The main walls would be cream or grey. Curtains could be creamy white with trim to tie in to the chair fabric. Whatever fabric I use for the curtain trim could also go in the hutch.

Striped Rug in the Dining Room

The zigzag chair and the rug don’t work together, though I was hoping they would. It’s one or the other, but I’m not sure which…

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