
Pink Fridges are the Best Fridges

Our refrigerator has started making some interesting noises, and they’re getting louder by the day. I know that I should have it looked at and repaired, but there is a tiny part of me that’s shouting “Get a pink fridge!”

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Brandon and I completely redid the kitchen when we moved here in 2007, and we changed everything but the hardwood floor. We did much of the work ourselves, and we came in at about $11,000 for the whole project (a great price for a complete kitchen). But the layout, which we kept because it’s truly the best layout for the space, is odd. The fridge stands alone in the center of the room, leaving all but the back exposed. We bought a titanium/stainless steel alloy of some sort (magnets stick and fingerprints don’t show) and the sides are grey instead of the typical black. It’s a nice fridge, but it’s nothing special.

the kitchen

The kitchen would be greatly improved by the addition of a pink fridge, yes? (That’s an old photo, by the way. The trim is white now.) Smeg, Northstar, and Big Chill all make them (in pink and other colors). This one is perhaps my favorite, but I just pinned over a dozen colorful fridges to Pinterest too. Do you dream of owning one like I do? What color?

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