My Life Parenting Photography

Family Photo Time

We took a family photo yesterday, right before we left to go to my mom’s house.

Cute, right? Aw, what a sweet little family I have. And here’s what it took to get that shot…

“OK, you guys! It’s Easter, and we’re looking cute. Let’s take a family photo! My camera remote needs to be pressed every few seconds or it will stop communicating with the camera, so I’m just going to fire off a few shots as we go.”

“Are we ready?”


“Let’s try this again.”

“No. Draw a cat, daddy.”

“I’ll wait.”

“Where did daddy go?”

“Maybe she’s hungry? All she ate for breakfast was Easter candy.”

“OK, let’s give this another try.”

“Yeah, that didn’t work so well.”

“She’s got her PlayDoh now. At least she’s happy, right?”

“I guess we’re done. Hopefully we got something usable out of that.”

“Hey, where’d everybody go?”

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