
Chain Link Cover-up?

Last year, Brandon and I talked about doing something to screen our backyard from the alley. We have chain-link fencing, which of course offers no privacy but we’re not going to replace it anytime soon. The stretch of fencing we’re most concerned with is the section by the parking space in this sketch:

Long-Term Backyard Plan

I went to IKEA not long ago to check out their summer line and I liked their wind/sunshields, but I couldn’t think of a use for them. Today I suddenly realized that they may work well to cover the fencing.

DYNING wind/sunshield

The other idea we had was to use Put-in-Cups to create a pattern. They could be very cheesy (I know), but I think they could also be very cool. Check them out here:


Nice, right? We had also considered fence slats as another option. When I talked about wanting to do something to the fence last year, a lot of people suggested woven willow, reed, or bamboo panels. I’m sure that would look good, but I like the idea of doing something more graphic. Everyone hates on chain-link but I really don’t mind it. I think it could be an opportunity to do something kind of fun…

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