Me My Life Parenting

The New Normal

Brandon has been home for nine weeks. That’s nine weeks of adjusting to our new normal, or at least the normal for right now. It doesn’t feel like it has been that long, but the days sort of blur together for me lately. Without the routine of my husband going to work during business hours, five days a week, we’ve devolved a bit. Sunday feels like Monday, feels like Thursday. Sometimes we sleep in. I’ve been staying up into the wee hours of the morning because it’s the easiest way to get in some uninterrupted work time, and then sleeping through the early part of the day. I’m not sure if I like it.

We’re not struggling, and for that I’m thankful. We have to be mindful of the things we spend our money on, but we will be able to pay our bills, buy the kids’ spring clothes, and so on. I’m a little uneasy shouldering the financial responsibilities because the nature of the way I make money through blogging is inconsistent, but Brandon’s unemployment came at a good time if such a thing can be said. A time at which we can handle it would probably be a better way to put it. Opportunities are out there for me and my family, but they do come at the expense of time with them.

I sound a little sad here, and perhaps I am. Life is good overall; it’s just that my work/life balance feels off. I like my work and I’m happy to have it, but I miss being a more present mom, too.

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