Me My Life

A Day in the Life

Several people have asked me about my daily life on formspring (a site that allows people to ask questions anonymously). They want to know how I fit in my work, if I have any help, when I find time to keep my house in some semblance of order, etcetera. Last week, I took photographs throughout the day so that I could share a day in my life with you.

My Day: March 24, 2010

6:00 – Good morning! Eleanor’s up, so I am too. I change her diaper and nurse her, then put her in the exersaucer to play while I shower. Once I’m out, I let her crawl around and play while I finish getting ready.

7:30 – We wake up Brandon, then Eleanor and I head downstairs for breakfast.

A Day in the Life

8:30 – Brandon leaves for work.

A Day in the Life

9:00 – My assistant Erika is here from 9-12 three days a week. She helps me with my shop (Pink Loves Brown), but she also watches Eleanor when there aren’t a lot of orders to fill.

A Day in the Life

9:05 – I take Eleanor upstairs to get her dressed, nurse her, and put her down for a nap.

A Day in the Life

9:30 – I work. I write blog posts, respond to emails, edit photos, do shop maintenance… whatever needs to be done that day. Today I began writing a new post and also setup a little photo shoot for it.

A Day in the Life

10:30 – Eleanor is up from her nap. Today Erika has finished everything for the shop so she hangs out with Eleanor for me so I can continue working.

A Day in the Life

11:00 – Lunch for Eleanor.

12:00 – Erika’s done for the day. I nurse Eleanor, then it’s lunchtime for me.

12:30 – It’s not too bad out, so it’s time for a little walk!

2:00 – I nurse Eleanor again and she takes a second nap. I finally finish the post I had been working on (“Thinking About Food”) and publish it.

Thinking About Food

2:45 – She’s up. Not the longest nap, but not bad. I’m just happy she took one at all — she often skips the second nap. Now we play. And cuddle. And read books.

A Day in the Life

4:00 – I nurse Eleanor again.

4:30 – I’m feeling productive so I try to fit in a little tidying up. I don’t get around to everything though, including the basket of laundry that has been in the living room for the past few days.

A Day in the Life

5:15 – Brandon’s home!

A Day in the Life

5:30 – We start preparing dinner together. We’re making falafel from a recipe in a magazine which claims to be ready in 20 minutes. It always takes us an hour.

A Day in the Life

6:00 – Eleanor gets dinner. We’re still making ours.

6:45 – Well that took even longer than expected. We finally get to eat.

A Day in the Life

7:00 – Brandon and I take Eleanor up to bed. We change her, she nurses (again), and then she goes to sleep for the night.

7:20 – I change into pajamas, wash my face, and brush my teeth. I started getting ready so early a few months ago because I would put Eleanor down, get ready, and then go in to check on her and make sure she fell asleep. Now she goes to sleep without any problems, so I could probably start pushing this part of my day back, but it’s kind of nice to relax in my pajamas!

A Day in the Life

7:30 – I put that basket of laundry away that was on the chair downstairs.

7:45 – Brandon and I looked at a few jackets for him online and he reminded me that I needed to get back to someone via email. Back to work for a while.

9:00 – I’m sleepy! No, I can stay up a little longer. *yawn* I’ve finished up my work, so Brandon and I hang out on the couch, watching TV and chatting. I had to move someone out of my seat.

A Day in the Life

10:15 – OK, now we’re both sleepy. Good night!

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